Home in Italy Magazine

stay up-to-date with the best places to visit, undiscovered sites, history, curiosities of the Italian country!



Passionate about Italian cuisine? In-villa cooking classes are becoming quite a thing for a very good reason. Find out our luxury travel tips and start planning your next dream vacation with us. Relax – we will take good care of you!
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As the end of the year approaches, it is the perfect time to start planning a magical Italian vacation for you and your loved ones. And yet, choosing the best and most trustworthy villa rental company can turn into a real challenge. In a market filled with possibilities, we will ease your mind by ...
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Home in Italy is proud to announce that we have been awarded the prestigious Luxury Lifestyle Award 2020 in the category of The Best Luxury Villa Rentals and Accommodation Service in Italy.
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Looking for a villa in Italy to spend your holiday and practice yoga? That's the perfect combination for all those seeking a full regeneration!
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Millefoglie di Lasagne: discover how to surprise your guests with this recipe
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A traditional gourmet italian recipe that is quick and easy to cook: tagliatelle al tartufo
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For all those with a sweet tooth this could be your new favorite recipe!